We introduced ourselves as M/S UNIPHOS INTERNATIONAL LTD (formerly known as Uniphos Agro Industries Ltd.), Mumbai, India, are a group company of M/s UPL LIMITED [www.upl-ltd.com] which is one of the third largest manufacturers of Agro Chemicals in the world with a group turnover of about $ 6.5 billion. UPL has offices in 18 countries in the world.
We are attaching herewith our Company profile and product list. If you have a requirement for any chemicals then please do let us know.
Thanking and assuring you of our best services at all times.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Thanks & regards,
(An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company)
Readymoney Terrace, 167 Dr. A. B. Road,
Worli, Mumbai - 400018, India
TEL: + 91-22-6123 3500; Fax :91-22-24938826
India Mobile : + 91- 98703 43304
Singapore Mobile: +65 8375 1467
web: www.uilonline.com Email : [email]
OUR CIN NO : U 24219 GJ 1992 PLC 027317