Packaging Detail : Mud Vol ume To talizer - 80ZA101V (Equiva lent to M-D MVC101A)
The Mud Vol ume To talizer moni tors the level of
drill ing mud in each meas ured mud tank. It to tal izes
the vol ume of mud in any two or more tanks up to a
to tal of six tanks as de ter mined by the mud tank se lect
switches. Two 5 1/2" ana log me ters dis play to tal mud
vol ume and mud vol ume Gain/Loss of the se lected
mud tanks. The gain/loss me ter has ad just able HI and
LOW alarms. When ei ther of these alarms are
ex ceeded, a vis ual in di ca tor on the to talizer is
ac tu ated. Ex ter nal vis ual and audi ble alarms can also
be ac tu ated.
The to talizer can drive two chan nels of a re corder,
one chan nel is to tal mud vol ume and the other is mud
vol ume gain/loss.